Mubashar Ahmad's blog
Landlord and Tenant Bill Passes
CMHC First-Time Home Buyer Incentive
The First-Time Home Buyer Incentive helps qualified first-time homebuyers to reduce their monthly mortgage carrying costs without adding to their financial burdens.
There are a few qualifiers to apply for this incentive:
Quick Guide for Tenants
Spring is arround the corner and a lot of people are getting ready to move to a new Rental place or a Home of their dreams. My advice is that First try to buy your own house so that you can save in terms of Rental payments and gain profit in House value appriciations...!!
If you cannot buy for Now then here is the List of Documents to help you which you would be asked every where you go so keep these items ready to save yourself a lot of time and to make the process propitious & easy..!!
Valuable Lessons for First-Time Home Buyers
But you live and you learn. And in the end, that’s all anyone can do. With that said, I wanted to share some of our mistakes and other things we’ve learned since we bought our house, in case they might prove helpful to someone else going through the home buying process. Looking back on my own experience, here are some tips I’d recommend to any first-time home buyer:
Start saving right away